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Nearly Overdone It


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Needed to get rid of a bit more Christmas cheer this morning, but nearly overdone it. Walked for about 6 ks at NPD in the heat and had to forge a track through 6ft grass, appears nobody has been silly enough to go there for awhile. Opened my new year account,nearly got to double figures on the bass, before the long hot slow walk back to the car. Had my last drop of sugar free cordial as I reached the car, stuck my head under a tap to cool down and headed to nearest servo for large iced coffee, couldnt even wait to leave the counter before upending the drink and nearly choking myself as well. To bloody hot and not getting any younger. Got home stripped off in the laundry as all clothes soaking wet, put on the togs and into the pool for half an hour. Wife said is it cold, I said never stopped to see just dove straight in.









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