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Redlands Council Screws Boaties. Again.


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Just looking at the Foreshore Master plan.

It is proposed to move the existing boat ramp upstream of the existing marina down towards the Sea Scouts.

This will mean that the bottom area of the marina will have to be dredged to allow boat access as at the moment there is only 2 ft of water there at low tide.

This will be interesting as the last time they dredged the marina they had the devils own job getting EPA approval.

There will be 76 boat parking places provided the nearest being 200m from the boat ramp.This is reduced from 104 currently.

Currently the closest trailer park is about 30m and the majority within 80m.

The existing trailer park will be converted to a drop off point for ferry passengers.

This car park is about 3 to 4 years old and was paid using our boating registration fees.

The last time they altered the parking they tried to cut down on the number of trailer parks but fortunately this was brought to the attention of the local state member and they had to pull their heads in.

It would also appear that they intend to reclaim a large area between the ferry terminal and the barge terminal.

I will be attending a Display of the complete master plan at Victoria point shopping centre tomorrow.

I have heard that the boat parking area at Victoria Point ramp is also going to be significantly altered.

Will keep you updated but if you use the Weinman creek ramp of viccy point be prepared to be screwed unless you are prepared to speak out.



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Just been looking at some of the fine print. It a is very hard to follow document . One of the things that i noted is that in the short term the number of trailer parking spaces is going to be reduced to 72 places.

There is a feedback link on their website and this is the first of what I think will be many responses from me.



What provisions are going to be made for disabled trailer parking in both the long and short term planning. When the long term plan is implemented with the removal of the current ramp this will mean that a disabled person will have to negotiate at least 150metres to the closest parking place to the ramp.

Will a fee be charged for trailer parking?

Who is going to pay for the relocation of the ramp and trailer parking?

Why should boaties be penalised because the council is unable to manage the current parking situation. Our boat registration fees were used to provide the current parking.

Ray Kennedy

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You get in via www.redland.qld.gov.au and go to Redland bay centre and foreshore master plan. There are 82 pages of waffle to wade through. They are probably up to their usual tricks that all polititians use which is to place a worse case senerio and reduce it by 10% and get up and say " what good chaps we are we listened to you and altered it " when that is what they desired in the first place and we still remain screwed but with a warm and fuzzy feeling.



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rayke1938 wrote:

You get in via www.redland.qld.gov.au and go to Redland bay centre and foreshore master plan. There are 82 pages of waffle to wade through. They are probably up to their usual tricks that all polititians use which is to place a worse case senerio and reduce it by 10% and get up and say " what good chaps we are we listened to you and altered it " when that is what they desired in the first place and we still remain screwed but with a warm and fuzzy feeling.



Yep the old sacrificial lamb, the oldest trick in the book. the dogs

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Have been to the display and had a yarn to Council people.

No plans to make boaties pay for parking.

The big bummer is the immediate loss of parking spots . Reduced from 104 to 68.

The long term plan calls for the removal of the current ramp and the new ramp will only be a 2 lane ramp.

Reduced from 4 lanes.

Excuse me! Council guy said that 2 lanes are more efficient as there will be a pontoon to tie your boat to and this will reduce delays and subsequent ramp rage.

He failed to see the point when I tried to explain how the wallies tie their boat to pontoon and block one lane of the ramp or fail to move their boatto allow others access. Also he didnt think a 200 yard walk is too far to go and get your trailer even if you are disabled.



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