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Glenbawn on way home


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Started my trip home from NSW with a quick trip to Flatrock Dam in Nowra, was a pretty place but you needed a yak to get to the fish.

Arrived at Lake Glenbawn tues arvo late, but had time to pick up a yella from the bank before tea. Wed hit the dam early and trolled around for the 1st hour trying to locate some fish, finaly found a few at the top end of the dam and had some fun, trolled for a few,cast jackals for a few and jigged a couple. Most of the bass were small, not like the NPD whoppers, but I suppose a bass is a bass.

Missed fishing St Clair as it was to windy, was going to Glenlyon tomorrow but its booked out, so I am heading to Toonumbar for a fish fri, hope to do some surface bassin.

Fish while you can


Flatrock Dam Nowra [img size=448]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/trip_001.JPG

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