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How best to get started?


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OTGav - if I wasn't busy this weekend, I'd take you for a quick fish at the river stretch of West End (next suburb over). I live 2 suburbs away and West End is my kick around fishing spot.

If you are keen though mate, just have a go along the river stretch of West End. Keep in mind there, if you cast out into the river and catch something, you're around 90% sure to catch a catfish. Good to catch something, but they're worthless eating. Unless you plan on upgrading to a shark with it as bait.

If you keep your bait within 2m of the river bank (even within 1m at some spots)where there are rocks going into the water, not mud, you'll catch bream and river cod. This is all up and down the water stretch so just find a spot, and try.

So even a float with your bait 30cm below kept close to the edge of the water should get you onto something. Not the ideal set up for other spots, but works well in the above scenario.

Good luck mate.

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