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you know what I hate


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I was at the shultz the other morning and after scoring a big fat doughnut I walked back to the boat ramp and was talking to a guy at the ramp who had a few pots out for sandies.

Talking away just a quick chat, then he mentions that the new airport construcion involved the filling in of a few local tidal rivers.

Ones he even used to fish at once.

Well embaressingly I have to admit I knew nothing of it and really I am a little perplexed at what these people are thinking.

Sadly for somone who knows a little of the environment I have grave doubts for the future Moreton bay if this kind of management continues.

The fellow was obviously no environmental scientist but he said straight up, "we need the small rivers that where all the bait fish live", and he is on the money.

Maybe I am just niave but I was hoping to see the managment of Moreton bay aspire to somthing a little better than a portotype of some huge American river based city, polluted and degraded.

How long before they fill the shultz in?

If they neglect it long enough and dump enough gross pollutants in it maybe noone will notice that it is in fact an productive ecosystem.


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Yea it`s criminal what is allowed to happen

This type of thing is just one of many government approved actions that has people up in arms,re new zone changes in the bay.

How can they justify their,arguments when they allow the destruction of these important systems.

You don`t have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out


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Cowfish13 wrote:

Funny how they need to "preserve" parts of the bay but the new airport extention, which will destroy many habitats, is allowed without a second thought:angry:

But the airport people took them out for a nice dinner and gave them some airport parking vouchers.

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Cowfish13 wrote:

Funny how they need to "preserve" parts of the bay but the new airport extention, which will destroy many habitats, is allowed without a second thought:angry:

yes but a city with as many people coming into it per week cannot go forward without an airport.

Some progress needs to happen regardless

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shortie wrote:

Cowfish13 wrote:
Funny how they need to "preserve" parts of the bay but the new airport extention, which will destroy many habitats, is allowed without a second thought:angry:

yes but a city with as many people coming into it per week cannot go forward without an airport.

Some progress needs to happen regardless

True.. but filling in an estuary!!?

I would be very suprised if this didn't impact the fishing quality of the area for a very very long time, unless they replace the habitat with somthing that serves the same purpose as an estuary.


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flatty_catcher wrote:

shortie wrote:
Cowfish13 wrote:
Funny how they need to "preserve" parts of the bay but the new airport extention, which will destroy many habitats, is allowed without a second thought:angry:

yes but a city with as many people coming into it per week cannot go forward without an airport.

Some progress needs to happen regardless

True.. but filling in an estuary!!?

I would be very suprised if this didn't impact the fishing quality of the area for a very very long time, unless they replace the habitat with somthing that serves the same purpose as an estuary.


Yep it will impact the fishing quality of the area for a very very long time.

Me im a fisho and hate to see any more of my favorite past time destroyed. But these decisions are made to benefit all. Including economies, trade, industry, tourism ect ect ect. And the list goes on. without infrastructure we stop.

Without growth we die.

Something has to suffer.

I dont really understand what stance some fishoes want to take.

dont extend the green zones, its not needed, why protect an already healthy system.

Dont extend the airport, your destroying the environment. Seems people want it both ways for selfish reasons.

Do you really think that with a predominatelly tourist/ mining economy they would destroy what brings $$$ to the area.

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flatty_catcher wrote:

MoparKevUk wrote:
As a newly arrive Pom trying to dig into your culture, I'd say let's do a "Castle";)

what do you mean?

Protest against the airport expansion taking over the estuary ala The Castle, Classic Oz feel good movie about a family keeping their home by protesting against airport expansion.B)

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yes true but shorty , progress has to be sustainable, this is what struck me and I often see it throughout a lot of Brisbane.

Its not just fishing I am talking about but the whole Moreton bay habitat and diversity.

At this rate the bloody dugong will be well extinct and those tour signs will display a picture of a big fat catfish instead.

Anyways as I have studied ecology a little and seen the bay like many have and I am positive this will impact on the bay, with out a doubt.

You see in ecology if you take away 5% of a contributing area it doesn't mean that 5% of the fishing will drop, there is a very fine line,its like a critical point and once you start taking from an already exhausted system it takes less and less to totally disable it.

When all is said I think they should replace the estuary with somthing that provides the same sustainable service to the environment.

also I am not arguing big time I am just a little perplexed at the powers at hands philosophy and how that fits in with a sustainable Moreton Bay.

Sounds to me like they should have just built another airport out west instead of destroying a huge future in the bay.


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A: Flatty do you think the schultz canal occured naturally yet it still produces top fishing. i heard that the only parts to be filled in by airpot mob were drains that they created anyway. (i still hate environmental vandalism not condone it BTW).

B: Shorty in 15 years from now you won't mind any sheila wearing a bikini! :kiss:

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Burko wrote:

A: Flatty do you think the schultz canal occured naturally yet it still produces top fishing. i heard that the only parts to be filled in by airpot mob were drains that they created anyway. (i still hate environmental vandalism not condone it BTW).

B: Shorty in 15 years from now you won't mind any sheila wearing a bikini! :kiss:

if you look further back in to the history of the airport land they created schultz canal AND MANY DRAINAGE DITCHES BUT AT THE COST of a small village that was pretty and out of the way place for brisbaites to relax and the terrible cost of many acres of natural wetlands which have all been destroyed forever look into it you will be horrified :(

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i'm confused...didn't the airport need those drainage ditches to reduce the risk of flooding back in the late 70's? and wasn't there similar uproar from the fishing community about the runoff and the growth of some grass was going to take over the bay?

and secondly didn't they already dump a heap of fill into some of these ditches with the construction of the inner city bypass?

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well the problem is we in brissie need the airport which needs land but they built the damn thing on the biggest wetland for miles the whole area was a flood plain the only way to accsess myrtyle beach was to drive along a causeway so they drained the land buldozed the comunity told the residents to piss off and whacked in an airport oohh yay go progress :(

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but I guess its in safe hands, isn't the airport leased by the same company for Schipol, Amsterdams' Airport? A country that is made up of reclaimed land of which 70% is below sea level?

now with more airlines coming in and out of australia and the planes are only going to get bigger, it makes sense the airports need to keep up....i agree faulked the original position was a poor choice!

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Here is a map from 1985 telegraph fishing book. Shows fisherman island and Bishop islands before new port and the other side of river before airport extended. Cribb island, jacksons creek and serpentine creek all gone.Just as an aside the company that brought the airport recovered their initial capital costs just from selling off bits of unneeded land within 3 years of their acquisition.

I am sorry the copy didnt turn out too well as the paper is yellow with age and I dont know how to just copy part of the map and blow it up.


Ray [img size=363]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/photos_1_AFO.jpg

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mrsjimmybob: yeah.. bit of a difference between reclaimed land and the netherlands though... Not sure why you'd build the majority of your land below sea level..

Must be confident in all their mechanisms in place to hold back the water:)

Using reclaimed land isn't new, I'm not saying its the right thing but it's quite common for some large structures overseas.

Part of the Airbus A380 factory is on reclaimed land.

Several buildings in Dubai are on reclaimed land. Hell they built the palm islands over there, a massive canal like structure out in the water.

Then they built the world islands, a series of island representing the world.. all on reclaimed land

But like I said.. I didn't say it was good for the environment.

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faulked wrote:

Burko wrote:
A: Flatty do you think the schultz canal occured naturally yet it still produces top fishing. i heard that the only parts to be filled in by airpot mob were drains that they created anyway. (i still hate environmental vandalism not condone it BTW).

B: Shorty in 15 years from now you won't mind any sheila wearing a bikini! :kiss:

if you look further back in to the history of the airport land they created schultz canal AND MANY DRAINAGE DITCHES BUT AT THE COST of a small village that was pretty and out of the way place for brisbaites to relax and the terrible cost of many acres of natural wetlands which have all been destroyed forever look into it you will be horrified :(

myrtle town:) pretty:laugh:

it was a dump full of clannish inbreds and worm diggers

deliverence country

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jeff f wrote:

faulked wrote:
Burko wrote:
A: Flatty do you think the schultz canal occured naturally yet it still produces top fishing. i heard that the only parts to be filled in by airpot mob were drains that they created anyway. (i still hate environmental vandalism not condone it BTW).

B: Shorty in 15 years from now you won't mind any sheila wearing a bikini! :kiss:

if you look further back in to the history of the airport land they created schultz canal AND MANY DRAINAGE DITCHES BUT AT THE COST of a small village that was pretty and out of the way place for brisbaites to relax and the terrible cost of many acres of natural wetlands which have all been destroyed forever look into it you will be horrified :(

myrtle town:) pretty:laugh:

it was a dump full of clannish inbreds and worm diggers

deliverence country

hahahha didnt ma & pa clampet live there :lol:

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Bommie that map looks way wrong, theres no way the shultz is that close to boggy creek mouth?

then again it is pretty close, my mistake.

It looks very different and you can clearly see the natural rivers, probably the ones the guy at the boat ramp was talking about.

Apparently they filled it and drained in the war days.

But they filled it recently too.


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i can remember as a kid going over to bishop island, for those of you that never got the chance, well, even in those days it was a very clean and tourist friendly island, but all i cared about back then was the lollie shop, it was great, had all the lollies you could think of, yummmo. and the fishing, ahh well, i realy hate to think whats in for us in the next 20 years..

doesn't matter, not a damn thing we can do about it

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Hind site is a wonderfull teacher,if people would only learn.

Late1970`s,groups concerned about the future growth and needs,wanted government to buy land,north of Cabulture,or south behind southport, and look at building a new airport for international and expanding domestic,and thereby not pose a threat to the bays enviroment.


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