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New style of Kayak


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If this works, it will revolutionize Yaks! Modular, one or two seater depending on what you want on the day, no racks, no trailers.


ok linking to Ebay is still buggered.

Here is some pics, if you want a closer look - search for Item number: 190264435056



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Hi Guys, i posted this the other day before the database had issues.

Australis canoes in Wollongong have a similar kayak. 1 or 2 person with a bit in the middle. I did make enquiries about it. The owner said they were not as efficient as normal hulls and weighed a bit to lug around, but, you could fit them in a station wagon.

In hindsight I should have bought one. A scanoe that weighs 50kg is a bit rough to get on top of the 4x4 with a stuffed back


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