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Double Island adventure 5


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Last minute decision to do a overnighter at DI friday night loaded the 4x4 fri arvo and made the 2 hr run to the beach, started off at 7pm on a half tide throwing a servo prawn into a running out gutter landing approx 30 decent bream my first cast this impressive 42cm tahwine dwarfing the 35cm ones:cheer: at 9pm we decided to go over to rainbow beach to the lagoon to cook a feed and throw out some bigger flesh baits, in a few hours we scored a few big shovelnose's a hugh ray of approx 15kg i got a massive turtle looked to be 20+kg you always feel a bit guilty when you hook a turtle:dry: and we got completly smoked on 50lb braid main with 100lb leader sure to be a shark of somesort? back to the gutter in the morn for yet more dart action and at 8am i managed 20 odd beach worms, Than down to the mouth of the noosa to get a feed of summer whiting and a small flattie. Another successful beach session about 100 fish caught each and a nice selection of bream tahwine, whiting, and flathead for the BBQ. B)

Craig.. [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/PB080147.jpg



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