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live bait


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a great way is to get urself a cast net... look at youtube for a vid on how to throw one.. just a tip dont get a massive one for ur first cast net as it wil be hard to throw...

also a herring jig would also work.. can get these jig's from most places even bigw or kmart..


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thats interesting to hear about the herring penn, anything special you need to keep them alive? or just a pump and some occasional food?

*edit* to hook up the bait some just put a single hook through the lips, taking care not to go through the skull (duh). if only using a single hook Some people i've seen hook through the body slightly before the dorsal fins , taking care not to break the backbone and tie a half hitch around the tail. Personally i find the half hitch restricts their movement. I like using 2 hooks, one in the front of the dorsal spine (which takes most of the weight) and another near the tail (just pinching the skin) I'll try to find a picture to put up. if matched with the right hooks and weights the herring can last quite a while, but i find they die off pretty quick regardless of how careful you are hooking them.

a softer rod will help you cast them out easier so the hooks don't get pulled.

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[img size=450]http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/2351/quickstrike20003av4.jpg

Probably look it something like this, the bait in this one is obviously dead and I found this picture online , but you get the idea. I like circle hooks for live bait as the fish are less likely to get guthooked and just a gentle lifting of the rod is required rather than a full-on strike

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when using live whiting i put the hook sideways thru the nostrils...

mullet behind the dorsal fin but with all live baits be sure not to put the hook below the lateral line as they die real quick...

if im drifting in a boat i tend to hook al my bait in the nose so when they are getting dragged they look natural...gets frustrating pulling up ya bait with just the tail gone but ya know its worth it when ya do hook up.

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