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Brisbane River


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Heading out Brissy River this week or next week in mates boat to familiarise ourselves to the area before the BRC.

Just after some starting points on where to go in the river, dont have to give away secrets. Just after some basic advice on where to go.

Targeting Jew, Threadfin & throwing plastics around for snapper. Also be launching from Pinkenba

Thanks guys!


Eddie :fishing:

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hey mate,

with the species you are after i would head towards the mouth if you look to your left you will see a pipe line going across the river its the boggy creek entrance if you sound in that area just off the chanel you will find a decent drop off/ ledge your mentioned species have all been caught there

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Here is a copy of part of Port of Brisbane website.



Access to the security regulated port is controlled by perimeter fencing, control points, identity cards and signage. Signs are positioned around the port, and indicate restricted land and water areas and zones. Penalties apply if anyone enters a restricted zone. One penalty point = $110.

Security Regulated Port - No Unauthorised Access Landside Restricted Zone Ship Security Zone Restricted Area to Persons Holding ID Port Facility Cleared Zone No Unauthorised Access Waterside Restricted Zone Possible Waterside Restricted Zone

Public Access

Visitors are welcome to visit the port, although we would request that you restrict your visit to daylight hours.

The port precinct is patrolled 24 hours a day. Members of the public driving on the roads after hours may be stopped by port security and questioned about their reasons for being in the port precinct or in the vicinity of port facilities.

Access to all port facilities and wharves will be restricted to those with the correct authorisation.

Our Visitos Centre is open 9.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday, and 10.00am to 3.00pm on Sundays. A port bus tour leaves the Centre each weekday at 12.30pm and 12.00pm and 1.00pm on Sunday. Free community group port tours are available Tuesday to Friday, can be arranged by ringing the Visitors Centre on 3258 4677 or our tour guide on 0419 743 751.

Waterside Access

Waterside access to operating wharves is restricted to 30 metres from the wharves. If a vessel is alongside a wharf, waterside restricted zones can be activated which restricts access to 30 metres from the outer side of the ship.

Signs warning that a waterside restricted zone may be activated are located on all the wharves at the Port of Brisbane. Unauthorised access to these areas carries a penalty of 50 units (or $3,750). We conduct continued patrols of the port’s waterside area by our patrol vessels, PortWatch 1 and PortWatch 2.

Under no circumstances is fishing allowed under any wharf at the port or within 30 metres of an operating wharf.

In the interest of detecting and deterring any unauthorised activity within the port, we ask you please follow these rules and requests.



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I dont really know so I have sent an email to the POB asking if there is a map available. I dont think that their area goes past Bretts wharf but will wait for a response.

I got the previous info from a google on port of brisbane operations search and then clicked on restrictions. I shows you what the signage looks like but it can be hard to see at night.

The times I have been spoken to they have been polite but firm. They operate under the anti terrorists legistation so I dont really know how they enforce the laws.

The fines are pretty hefty so I just say yes sir no sir and move on.

Apparently the whole area is covered by security cameras and radar and they jump on you pretty quickly.



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Ray you're dead right about them jumping swiftly, last time I down near the drop off by boogy creek they were all over a chap (like a seagul on a hot chip)that had anchored up near the berth (that building on the pipe line).

Forget the speed limits past moored boats no horses were spared :ohmy: :ohmy:

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Here is response from POB re permitted areas.

Sadly there is no map available so the onus is on you to look for the signs that designate restricted wharves . I was not aware of the 50m rule re gas and fuel ships and cruise ships.

I asked for clarification re fuel,gas and navy ships in port and their area extends an extra 50 meters.



Hello Raymond

there isn't a map available which designates that you can not fish as these areas may change due to security and safety issues for particular ships or projects continually changing within the Port.

The regulations state that vessels are not permitted in the following areas:

* Under any wharf

* Within 30 metres of any wharf

* Within 30 metres of any ship (except Cruiseships/Military ships/Fuel or Gas ships)

* Within 50 metres of any Fuel or Gas wharf

* Within 50 metres of any Cruiseship

* Within 200 metres of the dredge pump out areas around the dredge Amity

* Within 50 metres of any Waterside Construction site

* Any other area that may be deemed as a restricted area for any 'special event'

I hope this is of some assistance to you.


Neil Connell | Security Coordinator | Port of Brisbane Corporation

Locked Bag 1818 | Port of Brisbane QLD | Australia 4178

P +61 7 3258 4614 | f +61 7 3895 2417 | m 0431 506 283 | www.portbris.com.a

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