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FlouroCarbon vs Mono Vs Braid


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Just been reading the Braid debates and need a few answers.

When I got my Daiwa Spinfire I checked out the mono available and Braids, then spent on Berkley Vanish fluoro, not knowing anything about lines I assumed by the price that the fluoro was inbetween mono and braid as a thing to have.......

I find the 6lb fluoro on my 6-8lb general bait rod much more stretchy then my 6lb mono sp rig. I seem to {maybe!} miss strikes etc more than when I had the original mono spooled reel. So have I done a wrong 'un spooling up with fluoro? If so, why do they sell it in 200m spools????

The thread I was reading said the combo has to be set up for braid, would this still be true, or are newer rods and reels ok for braid?

All the best, and still learning much am I from you Yodas!!

Pommy Kev xxx

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kev, what are we gonna do with ya. lol

my thoughts, with the influx of soft plastic's, that everybody's usin, you need a graphite rod which makes for a light rod to hold but very stiff rod in the tip to work the plastic.

now, if you had mono on a grafite rod you would be creating a big belly in the line, loose line, so when you pop, pop, pop, the rod nothing would happen, well not much.

if on the other hand you had braid on the graphite rod, because of the no stretch factor, and the action of these rods, being very stiff in the tip, the lure darts here there and everywhere, which attracts the fish.

my rule of thumb is;

glass rod = mono

graphite and glass = braid or mono

and graphite rods = braid only

flurocarbon = pfft = marketing ploy

anyway matey, i better go, your doin my head in, lol cya.... chevs rule :P

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The FLouro is not a bad choice for starting out Kev, braid is good for later on (after you win lotto to pay for it ;) ).

The type of fishing I do, which is mostly lure for medium sized and bigger natives, fealing the bite is not an issue, they usually hit hard enough to scare the crap out of you if your not paying attention, no nibbles!.

With Bait, yes you will get nibblers, but often as not its small stuff anyway.

When using bait I pretty much use mono if possible, I get sick or retying leaders all the time when you get snagged or bitten off!

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