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Bull on the hill


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Hi All and particularly AFO admin/moderators,

Been doing some cogitating and it has occurred to me that there are two distinct groups within the forum - those that have advanced skills and experience in fishing and those of us that require training and development.

I for one learnt sweet fa from my father hence nothing fishing related was ever passed down so all that I am learning now is being derived through trial and error and discussing things with all of you guys.

The fishing comps are great and I can appreciate the learning opportunity but for me I'd want to have some level of skill before entering any sort of comp.

My thought is that would there be some benefit for the less experienced anglers (like myself) to get together perhaps on some regular basis with a group of seasoned anglers and learn. Anything from targeting specific fish, what bait to use, knots, strikes, using soft plastics, heaps of things. The benefit to the amateur is obvious and it will help ensure that responsible, effective and sustainable fishing practices are carried on.

No idea on how this could be administered but thought I'd at least put it up for discussion!


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Good idea Raven, I particularly like the bit about responsible, effective & sustainable fishing practices.

As to getting the ball rolling, the best bet would be to put up a post describing what the plans are, set a date & hope for a turnout. Most people on here are helpful, friendly & willing to help out other members, so hopefullly a few would turn up to help out, and a few would turn up to learn.

What does everyone else reckon?

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There hasn't been too many as of late, but there are a usually a number of social events. These are open to anybody and you will find that the majority of people that come a long are more than willing to help you/show you a few things.

I think it's a good suggestion what you have there.

I do remember thinking about something similar a little while back, but can't remember what happened. Was a while ago :blush:

I'm sure something can be organised.

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The comps are not full on, more socials where that sort of stuff happens all the time. Even the classic most people are more than happy to lend a hand take a new deckie etc etc.

Next one is next week, we are off to Monduran. One after that the Classic, then the Tilapia cull.

(A bit of an unofficial one tomorrow morning at north pine dam as well)

We have in the past had a combo training session followed by a fish, IE Cast netting at Wello point. There was a trailer wheel bearing one on the cards did that happen?

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