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land based shark fishing


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Hey everyone, i was just wondering if anyone on here goes fishing for bull sharks as ive been wanting to go for ages now and i need some tips. Im going to be land based fishing as i dont have a boat, and targeting small to average size sharks as my parents dont like the thought of me caching sharks in the first place as im only 15.

I would be fishing for them in the brisbane/bremer river in ipswich somewhere near colleges crossing and the junction(as there are planty of land based spots to access there) and ive also heard of bullies being caught there. Im not sure on what kind of baits or even setup to use, so if you could help me out that would be great. I was thinking of just using an eggbeater fitted with 15lb line as i reckon that would be good enough.

So, i need as much advice as possible, so if you can help me out that would be great.



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TerryH wrote:

dan25, you fishing there is hardly going to attract any sharks. Not to the extent where no sharks suddenly becomes lots of sharks.

The whole river, including colleges and the junction have plenty of sharks.

ok mate, so fishing from the bank should be fine then?

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Yeah should be fine, I haven't fished there though. I only fish for them in the logan river, also land based. I use 30pd line or more in case of something larger comes along, i've been cleaned up on 50pd line before on "unstoppables" as I call them. I have the main line, with about a size 6 or 7 ball sinker, then a leader with a wire trace and 2 ganged hooks (size 6/0 from memory). I use half pilchards, whole pillies for some reason don't create interest, assuming a cut bait releases juices in the water. Never tried live bait but hear its more effective

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I catch sharks at the boat ramp at Fig Tree Pocket all the time and release them. The genius's with shi boats do usually crack the sh*ts especially if the kids are swimming, but I tell them I didn't bring 'em from home einstein, just putting 'em back where I found 'em.

I doubt I attract sharks, They'd be cruising up and down the river grazing.

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yer it bothers me how dumb people are.. we would regularly fished for bulls in broadbeach canals and it was common to wait for ppl to stop swimming at one of our spots so we could begin.. most times they'd not believe us when we said that we have caught and planned on catching more right there.. it'll take more attacks unfortunately and more stupid rednecks saying they need to be wiped out...

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Yeah anyway up that way holds sharks in summer Dan. Don't go hardcore with hooks and 30-60 pound coated wire will handle 99% of the sharks up there. The bigger ones will bite straight through but there are rarer.

Hooks up to 4/0 or so. Most the sharks are around 80 to a bit over a meter so you don't need massive hooks and baits. You will miss too many strikes on this size shark with big hooks.

Live bait is great. Learn to throw a cast net! Anything you get is fine, but put the little bream back. I've caught them on live herring? about 3 inches long, so you don't need a big bait! A bait even up to about 5 inches goes straight down the hatch and is my favourite size. If you can't get livies use eel fillet. The catfish aren't quite as keen on it and the sharks love it. Bought mullet fillet is fine too.

Anchor livies to the bottom, but for other baits anchor them with a big free running sinker and float it on the surface. Or if you have a beach style rod, you can use two droppers about 5 feet long, one with a bait and a float, the other with a massive sinker (this rig needs a bit of grunt to cast so take care!). The idea is the bait ends up mid-water, an anchored in place:)

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