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Identify this fish please

Bri The Pom

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looks like a red red cod not to good on hand or tooth.old wife's tail if you get spiked by flathead,cat fish or any other nasty rub the area over the fishes eye it should stop the sting.If you get stung buy anything else you thing may be lif threating but the area in hot water but it needs to be as hot as you can stand with out burning your skin


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i think iknow what it is but it is not a very good photo to work off i need to see its eyes and nostral and dorsal fin bit better ,it is either a red stinger (neosebastes incisipinnis ogilby) for it to be this fish it needs to have a black blotch in the soft dorsal fin as the front dorsal is spinny if there is know black blotch then it must be a red scorpion-cod(scorpaena cardinalis richarson) the front spinny dorsal has a black blotch at the back of it . the second dorsal has about eight hard spines through it and has a spotted under belly like what the picture shows. both these fish are venemous yet the red scorpion-cod will hospitiize you. both these fish are edible

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Red Rock Cod yep.

As for the old wives tale Dassa, what I've heard is if you get hit by the spikes on a Flathead, rub it on the belly, not the eye. Doesn't stop the sting (there is none really, just a bit of slime), but it does stop the bleeding. I've done it before

Never known of a legel langth for the Red Rock Cod though (atleast in NSW where I've gotten them)

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Bri The Pom wrote:

[img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/CIMG0061_AFO.jpg

Went to Mermaid reef this morning,very quiet,no macks just small flathead,grinners and these puppies,my buddy said they sting bad.

Can you confirm what it is and do they sting.



looks very similar to wat they call back in NZ a maori chief.


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