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going to maroon 30/1/10


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yeah that was us in the canoe .

we have no idea what we are really doing either .

me and bro have been salt water fisho's /bait soakers all our life .

so it was last year we started doing a bit of fresh and lures and plastics .

we have has success in the rivers and creeks ,but only done a handful of trips .

that was my second dam trip ,my bro first .

we just trolled in between spots .

we mainly used surface lures and did a few of the coves and flicked at the water lilies.

went over to the other side of the dam ,opposite the ramp side to get out of the wind .

cast some surface and shallow divers around the trees and rocks .

really we only fished 3 spots ,the rest of the time we where traveling about .

had to travel around at idle ,with only 4 inch of free board .

trying to stay dry ,but still took on about a 1 1/2 of water and a wet ass.

the wind blew us about about the same speed we travel and i didn't take a anchor or rope .

the thick weed is a pain my cheap sounder didn't work most of the time .

just a spotted screen no matter what the settings ,only really worked in the deeper water fair distance away from the shore .

still a ok night .

getting out and trying new stuff

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