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barwon banks


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headed out to the banks today to get a feed of reefies.

was a hard slog on the way out with big swells. the further we went out the worse it got :dry:

anyway, plenty of fish caught but most were undersize.

lost some quality fish to those damm sharks :angry:

on the way back we trolled some pushers from the blinker to carties.not long into it and my reel screamed off :cheer: but that was short lived when it decided to swim towards the boat, i couldn't wind fast enough and with the line going slack it spat it out :angry:

oh well we got a feed and we fed the resident dolphin. 444-20100424.jpg

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webbfunk wrote:

Did you go out there in your new boat Fergie?

no i'm still waiting for it, should have the new rig in a week.....

we went out in my mates 610 offshore. there was only one other boat out there. i think the big swell would of made most people stay in the inshore reefs.

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