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What's your "Go to" Live bait hook.

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i use the same as dhess and have caught flathead, snapper, threadies, jew, marlin, sailfish and dolphin fish on livies with these hooks but normally go a 4/0 or 5/0 with the smaller livies

dhess wrote:

Nautilus isn't a bad hook but I usually use gmakatsu octopus circles 6/0-8/0. I like the lighter guage as it penetrates easier. Still plenty strong.
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a sharp one! :silly: depends on what i am chasing . sometimes 2 small 1/0 octapus hooks for lighter baits for bream flathead, then i use 3/0-4/0 octapus hooks on snelled rig for jacks snapper large flathead. 6/0-8/0 octapus circles for the bigger predators like sharks threadfin. but all one brand usually gamaktsu.

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