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Last Night Solo ( June 2nd )


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For a long time now I've been on a fish drought, I haven't caught anything besides some mini squire down south... I was itchin last night and so headed out on my own, all the boys were busy so I had to go solo this time... I head straight for the Brisbane River knowing that it was getting to peak high tided at around 12:30am - 1 am. Arriving at a fresh batch of Brisbane rocks and water, I went and wet my newly bought SB. Tide was still coming in, not much action though had a few little nudges hoping it was some decent bream since I wanting specialize in that area. Sigh... no hook ups after 1 hr after switching lure after lure, the tide was turning and the only interesting thing was watching the puffer fish swim by :laugh:. Ready to give up on the spot I change back to my first love the SB and had a few more throws till im done... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzZZZZZzzzZZz my dusty old heart beating again for the sound of the beautiful reel calling, it put a smile on my face, feeling a heap of head shakes and flashes of silver as it jumped out of the water, the humble Jew :) I got her up after a several good runs. Carefully setting down my rod and picking her up with two hands instead of thumbing her :laugh: I placed her on the brag mat.





After that I had a couple more big hits though no hook ups, the rain was getting heavy so I headed out went to some other places that didn't have rain spitting at me... Wiped out the SB again and BOOM ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzZZZzzzz this time it snatched it when it was about 5cms in water, I saw the flash of silver again :) though this one was crazy it got me in a pickle running everywhere and jumping and then poof it spat my SB out as it was jumping, like as if it was moldy food served on a platter :laugh: The night ended up with a couple more Jews that ended up the same, happy and going home with a Mc Donalds Coke in my hand ( Macca's coke rocks ).

Thanks for reading,


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