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If I have any shrimps left after a day's fishing, I take them home and soak them in linseed oil. Place the shrimps in an empty butter container and pour in some linseed oil or flax seed oil over the shrimps and either freeze or put in the bait fridge for next time you head out fishing. The linseed seems to add to the scent of the shrimps and yellowbelly just can't resist them.

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Years ago linseed oil was,and I think still is in some,used in paints for a binder and thinning agent, and we used it to season new cricket bats.

desmondfin..you may be on to something

Apparently it contains more omega 3 oils than you get in fish oils, which doctors/dieticians say is essential for our health and well being.

Also in the USA they add it into fish pellets and some processed fish baits.

Sounds interesting enough to try in a trial batch of berley in lieu of fish oil.


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hooked_on_trout wrote:

quite an interesting post at 2:40am.

Sounds strange to me but I have had some good success with squid soaked in kerosene.


in the warmer months,when i go camping & crabbing for a few days at a time,if things are quiet i will slosh a bit of kero on some of the baits,this often produces results

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