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ID please [solved]


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thanks cowfish

fishing nut, i cant get anything big off luggage! im just a beginner though.

always pesky little bites, i downsized my hook size and and cut live bait in half and my friend told me just to reel in slowly when i get bites. bam i catch 4 fish, my previous best was 3 in a session, so happy with the improvement. still only gay little fish though. want to catch in the 20 to 40cm mark

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mate get some better livebait

those hardyheads are low on the list

get mullet, herring,gar,prawns even the little crescent perch you caught

i've caught plenty of flathead on them

there's plenty of biger fish down there

keep trying you'll crack it

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off luggage point proper, like the poo chute,

also there is a spot where you turn right one street earlier and there are some pontoons.

have also tried the bridge on the way out, got a little bream there

and finally have tried over the gateway at um lytton? murrarie? under the bridge at the boat ramp

thanks for the tips jeff, will try some better baits and keep at it

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