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Barra look a like


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Hi Guys at the moment I am sitting watching the world cup match from Horn Island. We are up in the Torries Straits this weekend for work and managed to get out on a boat Saturday arvo for a few hours :cheer: Couldn't go too far as it was blowing its bum off, so we fished a wreck and a couple of holes inbetween Thursday Island and Horn island. Managed a swag of fish including trevelly,red throat, rock cod,tusk, nannyguy and a sucker fish about 3 foot long. Sorry no pics as even though as these were good size fish by moreton bay standards up here most of them were considered not worth a menchion and just laughable that you would want a photo of them. We also caught three of these as showen in picture. They are a dead ringer for Barra but darker and they don't come much bigger than the one in the pic. The local fellers "call him night fish as him eyes glow in the night" So does anyone know what they are? P1030034_AFO.jpg

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