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Tabby Tabby Island


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No idea on fishing that specific area, but there should be plenty of structure to fish. That general area has a few weed beds (at least further south near jacobs well). The bream experts should be able to offer some more advice, but you should be able to find bream around the fringes of, or on top of the weed beds. Flickin around some 2" shrimp on lightly weighted jigheads should land you something.

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head down the northern end of kangaroo island opposite tabby tabby and you will come across a deep hole and this should be protected from any southerly breeze good fishing along there for bream and even a jewie in the hole which is about half way along this island. another spot is to paddle into cobby passage right up to the 3 way junction in the passage and fish it on the turn of the tide as the runs hard through there it has the deepest hole in the southern bay which is lined by rocks. jew, bream, flathead, jacks and cod i have caught here

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