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Colleges/Mt Crosby Mixed Plastic Session


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Hey guys

This morning I headed out for a days yak fishing for flattys on lures at colleges.


I decided to head to a spot that was producing some fish a couple of weeks ago to see if i could crack a flatty early on in the day. After about 10mins of casting my flickbait around, my rod buckled over, seeming to be fighting differently to a flatty. A flash of silver from the side of the yak revealed a bream :woohoo:. A short while later i had landed him, my first real cast and retrieve bream on lure. I was stoked.



Not long after that I hooked up to something else this time unfortunetly being a nice little bass. Being aware of the closed season i took a quick snap and off he swam completely un-harmed.


Shortly after this I moved spots once again in search of some flattys. A change in spots and plastics, finally resulted in the target specie in the mid 30's.



The next couple of hours were pretty quiet with no more catches. Though I did see something rather interesting, being a goat climbing it's way down the cliffface that lines the riverbank :laugh: .


After a quick paddle to the colleges cafe and a stop for food, i paddled back in search of some more flatty action. Throughout the next couple of hours i caught another 2 flatty's. One being about 20cm, and the other going 40cm.



The time now being about 5.30, I decided to head back to the ramp after, happy with how the day had gone.




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