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the weeks activities


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Haven't had a fish since monday and not looking like i'm going to be able to so thought i'd put up a few shots from earlier in the week.

got out sunday and monday,

sunday just a quick river trip with Steve, river was very quiet, no bait to be seen anywhere and most of the usual traps were dead. We both got a jew each in the mid 60's jigging threadybuster jnrs (formerly known as deepthroaters) and nothing other than a few bumps and half hearted hookups after that.

heres a familiar pose of steves:


Got out the next day for a quick mission and pulled a little thready, the jnr was taken deep but no blood spilled and no gills nicked luckily.


and here is an insight into what ive been doing since then, wish i was fishing but these lures arent gonna make themselves ;)




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nice mark did you end up getting a good price?

you'll definately end up finding a few more spots just motoring along and noticing things you never saw before, isolated bommies and random hard objects on the bottom holding fish

i really like the thready shot very cool eyes, you can clearly see the thick covering over the eyes that protects them from the mud etc, they are very cool fish

ross, its a fairly involved process start to finish but i don't make them one at a time, i lump the processes into seperate jobs and work on a few at a time otherwise it'd be too inefficient.



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I made one special for keyring duty scope, its loaded with glow so they stand out in the dark while im fumbling around looking for my keys

had it on for a few weeks and gotten plenty of comments at night, with the amount of glow ive packed in the keyring stays bright for a good 5 hours lol



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