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3 Days Tagging At Shultz Canal :P :P :P..Loving It


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hi all

has been the sexiest weather i have seen in sooo long, its a shame i have to leave the good streak of weather to go up to my dads :angry: . anyway to the fishing.

Day 1

early start with the alarm going off at 6am. finally get up and put some clothes on :P and grab the gear and off i am headed to nudgee boat ramp to meet up with joel (j-dog...something)? as joel was late he opted to go with nathan who was coming down later. i got the spot first and had a flick around landing a little flatty at 45cm. joel and nathan finallllly turned up. joel was in and on with another 45cm flathead. The main target of the day was for a few jew. after a while i finally got one over 50 at 52cm. anyway next cast i was on a again with an even better flatty going 57cms :P (joel didnt like this) xD i then pulled an arsy 45.5 cm flatty but spoke too soon joel then pulls a 52cm flathead :angry::angry::angry: . we made a short move just to have a look at a little eddie i spotted a while back and joel was in there with a cast and not too long after zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZ dammnnnn wtf is goin and after 10 15 minutes joel has a 66cm jew in the boat :woohoo: :angry: . this being a pretty big jewie and a first for joel he was pretty stoked. after a quick tag and release he swam away strong for someone elses enjoyment. i thew a cast in the same eddie that held the last jewie and had an instant hit :woohoo: buckled the rod over nearly identicle to joels and was creaming away until he dropped it :angry: . anyway back to the boat ramp and a good first day. DSC00436-20100627.jpg

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Day 2

headed down looking to be a solo trip until ryan gave me a call saying he would come down followed by keechie throwing his hand up. after ryan and i had a throw around ended up picking up a sluzzy eel that we got video of. absolutely hilarious to laughs for whoever watches. (i will post to my profile). we picked nic up and had a flcik at the jewie spot. the wind had picked up and was wavy and crappy. didnt land much that day with only 2 flattys getting over 50 and a 28cm cod that looked pretty cool. 26062010056.jpg

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Day 3

day 3 would have to be the best day for weather and for cool fish and weird things happening. started off later today at about 8 oclock with joel and headed to the spot. joel was first on with a good tailor for shultz canal going 43cm (good fish) we then went and picked up nic from the rockwall. disaster struck early with me hooking a flathead on a blade, that i tried to lift in by picking up the blade :angry: bad mistake got one of the hooks sunk deep into my finger :angry: after a few pics some surgery i removed it then continued flicking :) nic was then onto a good dusky going 53.5cm. the wind got up a little bit so we had a drift. after i busted on a snag nic was onto a snag so he held the spool and pulled back and realised he had just solidly set the hook on a nice fish. after 20 minutes of chasing it up and down the creek we finally netted and landed a 92 cm bullshark who has eaten a berkley gulp 2 " shrimp pinned in the corner of the mouth on 4lb main line and leader on a 2500 twin power and loomis :o got it up on a pilon after a fair bit of w ater entered the boat and we got a few pics and released it. we headed up to a sandy part of the creek to drain the water when disaster struck :angry: put the engine in shallow drive and drove 5 meters when there was a crash and a bang and the sound of stressed metal and have found that the tilt leaver has dislodged and bent the title arm completely giving me a permanent deep water drive :angry::angry: . to let off some steam we puttered back to the spot and on the first drift got onto a good fish on a blade. got it close to the surface and saw the colours of a flatty before zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz headshakes oh alright looks pretty good ay. after 10 minutes of taking it easy as im using 4lb leader got into the boat my personal best flathead of 73cms :o thats right joel couldnt let you get away with the best fish of the 3 trip :P.

there were more fish but arnt really worth mentioning only that around 20 fish were tagged this weekend which i am pretty happy about.

thanks for reading

pat DSC00445-20100627.jpg

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