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This really peev's me off


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Went down to one of my local spots at Tally creek, there were a few blokes down there fishing and drinking/yahooing, having a good time, so I moved way up the other from them.

An hour or so passed and all went quiet, couldn't hear them shouting anymore so I headed back down closer to where they'd been.

First off they left bundy cans/beer bottles every where, a birds nest of line left floating in the drink, up to a dozen undersized bream and flatties and a huge stingray were left dead on the beach.

I don't wanna come off as a whiny greenie, I fish and hunt but it peevs me of to these so called fisho's leaving our spots in these states.

Is it that hard to carry out the crap you bought in and chuck it in a bin???

And what's with killing the under sized fish and the ray? must be to hard to remove the hooks or cut the line.

Here's the ray I found. These people make me sick. P270610_15.JPG

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Hmmm that sucks. These are the the people that laws get changed about. All you need is the media to get onto some of these and you will start to get an anti-fishing sentiment in the community. What is with killing these fish there is no good reason for it? Good on you for cleaning it up. Cheers Ted

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That's wrong mate, truely and utterly bloody wrong.

What a waste of oxygen these blokes would of been, hope they get their own back B)

All we need is another reason for the government to shut certain areas to rec fishing, and that is surely one they could use

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That is appaling to see, yet I cant say that I can not believe that anyone would do this. There has been pleanty of times when Mr Felix and I have been fishing and seen people drinking and carrying on, only to find they have left their rubbish behind for others to clean up. It's wrong but we should come to grips with the fact that not everyone cares as much as we do.

As for the fish that they left, it makes me sick to see that anyone one would leave these creatures like that. It makes me think if they had ever thought on how they would like it if they were those creatures and someone just left them on the beach to die. Although I severly doubt that this thought would never pass through their heads.

Things like this will deffinately bring the day closer where rec fisherman like us are told that we are not allowed to fish again. It is the last thing that any of us would want.

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This pisses me of so much last time i saw someone dropping rubbish on a beach i made them pick it up infront of all there freinds and made him look like a ..... I saw a couple of bogans ripping apart a bullshark so me and a mate gave them a good kick in. people who see these ..... treating wildlife like these should grow some balls and teach them a leson. serve some true justice. Even fish like carp and tilapia dont deserve to bee tortured just kill them in the most peacefull or quick way you can.

Mod Note: Do not bypass the swear filter. Choose another word, and watch your language please.

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