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NPD 4/7/10 Still cold and mongrell act.


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Up there again with Ty and fishing was v e r y s l o w. Despite good conditions I only managed 3 bass.


Best went over 40.


Ty ended up with a good feed of claw and we gave Beau a few also.

Son Feral was up there with his daughter and they gave my birthday present a few days in advance.I was wondering why Erin couldnt stop laughing when she gave it to me.

I unwrapped the parcel and found a fishing shirt ,then a shimano t shirt and wrapped in the middle of the T shirt if found this.


No wonder noone was catching any bl00dy fish. :ohmy:

Back again tomorrow as I am off to Tamworth for a few days on Wednesday.



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So it was the banana that put the fish off, well now we have 2 excuses the other being that every where we tried to fish there was massive schools of boney bream under us and there was dead ones floating all over the place. Bass and other large fish were as full as ticks and not biting or taking lures, even the birds were having a ball. I only managed a couple of bass, best going 45cm.


well fed bass

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