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using bread for bait in the canals


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hey guys/ladies

im goin out to the raby bay canals late this arvo and i was wondering whether i should use a bit of bread for bait, i am taking soft plastics and hard bodies as well.

any tips with bread or soft plastics would be much appreciated

thanks guys

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Bread is defs working best for me atm. When I go to a local spot in the river ive been slaying bream on bread. but some tips when using it, make sure the bread is firmly placed on the hook so when u cast it doesnt go flying off.

hope this helps,


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plugga wrote:

Bread is defs working best for me atm. When I go to a local spot in the river ive been slaying bream on bread. but some tips when using it, make sure the bread is firmly placed on the hook so when u cast it doesnt go flying off.

hope this helps,



just wondering, have you been using a sinker or just letting it float on the surface???

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chonna wrote:

plugga wrote:
Bread is defs working best for me atm. When I go to a local spot in the river ive been slaying bream on bread. but some tips when using it, make sure the bread is firmly placed on the hook so when u cast it doesnt go flying off.

hope this helps,



just wondering, have you been using a sinker or just letting it float on the surface???

Hey, what I do is attach the leader to the braid, then put a tiny sinker on (about the size of a pea ), then attach the hook with a loop knot.


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I reckon using bread is the easiest and quickest way to catch bream. Especially in canals. Find a spot with a nearby pontoon or jetty, the deeper the better. Throw out a few pieces of bread and squish a small piece on a small hook. No sinker and fish a light leader. 6lb would be fine. Once you catch a few they will go quiet, so it pays to move around.

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Hey there,

If you need to get down the water column and you have to use weight, try the lightest of jigheads instead of a sinker. Even using a small sinker on a loop knot will tend to knock off some bread due to it moving around.Try a bit of grated cheese in your bread mix! Makes the bread hold on to the hook better and seems to attract bites as well.



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a good idea is to take a packet of light split-shot sinkers, then if you got current or breads sinking to slow just clip one on about 20cm from the hook.

I used to have great fun catching mullet and gar on a bit of cork as a popper, you can also catch bream like this but obviously it has depth limitations.

Also dough, flour and water to a nice thick mix stays on the hook well.


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I tried some bread yesterday off Redland Bay jetty, that was probably the problem straight up, all I ended up catching was about 15 x 35-40cm pike on hard body lures.

I released them all as I have heard that they aren't all that good eating, does anyone eat pike???


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Bread is MY FAVOURITE!!!! bait

I use it to catch everything bream to carp i love to throw out some small peices first then using 6 pound MONO mono is important as it floats use a small hook and break off a corner and just thread ti through so the shank sits flat on it or use the white middle part and thread it through the bread then fold the bread over the hook and push tight this has its advantages because if it sinks the bream often hammer it under the water using the fold technique has landed me plenty of diamondscale mullet carp and bream have a go and find what works it definitely works and definitely no sinker ;)

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