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Going Deep with Daffy and Mooks


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We've all done it, taken a sickie and then found ourselves on a boat with a line in the water - not wanting anyone from work seeing you. Well let me introduce you to Daffy - he's a lovely bloke and he decided to take Mookysticks and me fishing the other day at Boat Rock.

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Our destination was a regular haunt for me - Boat Rock. I have to admit a certain sense of uneasiness not being here with my regular Skipper - Tugger. I actually think Daffy was out to get some industrial secrets from me - mums the word Tugg, your secrets are safe with me.

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We were having a little trouble getting the anchor to bight and ended up drifting a number of times before we could actually get a decent session going. Unfortunately all we managed to catch was some bait and undersized fish.

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As well as a wonderful display from the migrating whales. We were seeing them all round us all morning and then a pair made a bee-line straight past the boat not 10metres away. Oh, and no, Daff doesn't have a specimen on line to show the Japanese "scientists".

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We spent about 3 or 4 hours at Boat Rock and hadn't managed more than a single Tusk fish that Daff managed to haul in. So we decided to head 3 nm to the north to the 7s where our luck changed for the better, I was first on the board at the 7s with a Stripey.

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Mook was yet again disturbed by a fish and a beautiful one at that - a Wrasse, which due to its beautiful colour we decided to return to the deep. Daff also managed a first - a Moon Wrasse that we unfortunately didn't photograph.

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Daffy wasn't to be outdone today and managed the fish of the day a glorious Tusk fish at 43cm. We all thought I had pipped him with the next fish another Tuskie that did look bigger but turned out to be a few mm smaller although a fatter model. Unusually I managed to then pull in the biggest fish of he day a Trevallly that pulled hard and came in at around the 50cm mark (I'm guessing here as Mooks took it home as part of her take and we didn't photograph it or measure it).

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In the spirit of the "Fillet and Release" group of which I am a member - these fillets (Stripey, Tuskie and Moses) were offered their freedom (none took advantage of our offer). Two fillets of the Tuskie became dinner last night and.. well... yum.

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iodine bream you should remember them kreel we caught alot of them on the barwon banks and they make good strip bait, as usual an entertaining report kreel well done on some good fish and thanks for not giving away all my secrets it must be that fish attractent i smeer on the bottom of my hull that gets them ooops i just gave 1 away hahaha

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Daffy seems to have a similar paunch to a bloke I know...same boat and motor too. :laugh: He needs to spend more time on AFO learning the tips and tricks :P

I reckon he would have been chuffed with his tusky though.

Good to see Mooky trying out a new disguise today too :laugh:

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tugger wrote:

iodine bream you should remember them kreel we caught alot of them on the barwon banks and they make good strip bait, as usual an entertaining report kreel well done on some good fish and thanks for not giving away all my secrets it must be that fish attractent i smeer on the bottom of my hull that gets them ooops i just gave 1 away hahaha

I caught heaps of Iodine Bream at 1770, but this one didn't have that certain aroma. Daffy picked them as Iodine too, but I couldn't trust his opinion. Thanks for the confirmation Tugg, Jeff f and even Benno picked it. :P;)

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