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deckie spot Northern bay and offshore Sunday 11th

Yellow Peril

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looking for someone to join me chasing snapper and kingies tomorrow. Will be leaving inner Northern suburbs Brisbane around 9.30 am and back about 7.00 pm.

Trolling lures and casting soft plastics or metal jigs. No bait this time.

Deckie must have all own gear, absolutely no chance of getting seasick as I will not be coming back early. Sorry, but obese people will not be considered due to restricted room.

Share costs will be about $60.

Small boat and final call on whether I go will be made first thing tomorrow.

First in gets first look by private message.


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faulked wrote:

just wondering if id be a little too arsey for your wee boat fat_guy_in_chair_thumb.jpg

You fit on mine alright, Jason.....(although there's usually not much room left for me) :P :laugh: :laugh:

I'm sure anyone that heads out with Jeremy will be in for a good day. Usually onto some good fish and other AFO members all report a good time had. ;)

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ellicat wrote:

faulked wrote:
just wondering if id be a little too arsey for your wee boat fat_guy_in_chair_thumb.jpg

You fit on mine alright, Jason.....(although there's usually not much room left for me) :P :laugh: :laugh:

I'm sure anyone that heads out with Jeremy will be in for a good day. Usually onto some good fish and other AFO members all report a good time had. ;)

Ive seen Bigger in Ellicats Boat

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