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Brian's Bush Camping Tips


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I'd been up long enough to have my first coffee. Mitch had camera in hand. An idea popped into my head. All of a sudden the imagination kicked into gear and the dribble started to roll.

I'll keep adding to these as I get them uploaded to Youtube (which is proving to be a slow process with their large size)

Hope you fellow campers are able to take a lot out of these.



PS Haircut coming soon :blush:

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:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Keep them coming brian but I feel you forgot the most important 1"" the drop bear it is very important for all the back packers that travel this wide brown land of ours :laugh: :laugh:.

So when do the fishing saftey tips get put into production I'm sure shortie can help on how to remove hooks from ass cheek's :P:P :laugh: :laugh:

cheers dassa

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I'll have a couple more up later in the week. I'd hate to see any education overload :P :laugh:

Dassa, I have only one tip for backpackers - stay away from me ! Keep ruining the places they already go to, that's more than enough. ;)

Shortie will be appearing in my own version of Deliverance. He squeals like a pig without much provocation :laugh:

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Glad you've been enjoying them. Here's the last one for now...


:( Looks like the AFO one's not working

Mod Note: unfortunately at this stage it is not possible to embed community videos and photos into the forum. But we are working on it.....


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