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New deckie has arrived


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What do you mean you didn't go fishing? Conditions like today don't happen all the time mate. I hope this youngster doesn't turn out a disappointment, you know like his Da...

Congratulations Tom and Nicole and welcome to the most important guy in your world.

Well done mate, none of us thought you were up to the task, I guess that's another bet I've lost.

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just spoke with Tom. When he mentioned aloud that he might be able to go to origin, apparently he was glarred at.

Already changed his first Nappy. What a man it took me 4 months. He siad he it used to dealing with shit cause he fishes with keen as regularily. ROFL.

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tomca wrote:

Thank you all for your kind regards. Nickers is doing just dandy and the little bloke has a head full of black hair. (If the eyes weren't so round I'd be punching on with Henry.) :laugh:

hahahah... I'm gonna have to keep ducking and weaving from you and big_tez :laugh: I swear it wasn't me.

Mate, congrats to you and Nickers :) Honestly stoked for both of you

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shortie wrote:

just spoke with Tom. When he mentioned aloud that he might be able to go to origin, apparently he was glarred at.

Already changed his first Nappy. What a man it took me 4 months. He siad he it used to dealing with shit cause he fishes with keen as regularily. ROFL.

Thats not very nice :P I clean up after work :silly:

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Nickers wrote:

Thankyou all for your kind wishes. We brought the little fella home today. And for those people that Tom told the labour was 45 minutes... it was actually 19hrs. He thinks that the last 45 minutes is all that counts.

Here is Max.....


tom he has heaps of hair and a track suit with a bear hoodie on - you sure henry has no part in this hahahahahhaha 19hrs! holy smokes see thats why chicks are the ones have the baby's guys arent that persistant lol

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