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Some jewies


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Got out over the weekend chasing the usual suspects,

managed a few flatties to start with and things got a bit quiet, so i charged up the glow on my Threadybuster and let em rip.

got that sharp wack on the end after a few lifts and drops and got stuck into some great headshakes and some sought after zzzzzz's on the light setup, i was very happy to see a nice jew above legal :)

caught a few more smaller versions over the next couple hours all on the threadybusters then went home happy. :cheer:

cheers for reading




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that would be awesome, how do I go about getting a few, always looking for lures that are proven fish catchers. was going down to breakfast ck on thursday night to try my luck, heard thats a good spot for some of our piscatorial monsters. cheers.

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Top jewies Dan - my dream species and yet to get one!!!! Can you pm me with details on your lures also please? Have been watching your success over the last few months and VERY keen to give these lures a crack (although I'm obviously aware it takes more than just the right lure!!!). Cheers, Kelvin.

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