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NPD 13/7/10


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Hit up the dam this morning with Feral.

Beautiful day that was glassed out till it was time to come back to ramp when a north westerly sprung up and then died out when we got back to ramp. :angry:

Fishing very slow.

Feral nil.

Myself 2 around the b37 to 38 mark.


Still lots of dead boney bream plus a fair bit of green algae starting to show up.

Rebaited my redclaw pots on the way down. ( I had left them empty and unbaited whilst I was away)

Got 50 nice big ones out of 8 pots on the way back so they seem to have slowed down a bit.



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I have been reading all these great reports involving redclaw. I want to give it a go tomorrow night. I live fairly close to NPD have a boat (peterol powered) so I will probably do a landbased trip, not that keen on paddling out. can I wAde out and put the pots in close to the shore? or do they need to be futher out with the aid of a boat?

cheers james.

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You have to have a permit to use a boat on the dam and its leccy only. Have a look at the PRFMA website for detailos. There still are permits available for this season.

See people putting in pots near the rangers station near Bullockies Rest.Just be aware that if you go inside Bullockies the gates are locked at night.

There are other areas bthat you are allowed to access but you will have to walk in. Have a look at the maps displayed around the dam.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry no camera. I go to Emerald for work and sneak out to the dam for a fish occasionally, dropped a pot in for redclaw this time for no luck. Was an awesome sight on Wed evening, sun going down, glassy water and wedgies floating around overhead. Went out Thurs before work (5am) to pull pot out and it was like the movie "The Mist"

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