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mattstar wrote:

hey guys just wondering if anyone can fish at mt cotton and if you need a licence, also what fish can you catch in there cheers for your help

Hi Mattstar

welcome to the site. I have been there a few times and there are plenty of folks that fish there. The signs do not say no fishing. You do not require a SIP (stocked impoundments) license for this dam.

We used fresh bread mainly and sweet corn kernels. We used a small float and had also a line on the bottom. The float was most successful. Vary your line lengths during the day from shallow to 1m deep. They seem to change their feeding depth through the day. Also use a small hook as they have small mouths.

Also have a look through the post that Ellicat linked you. The Carp and Tilapia are both noxious fish and have to be killed and disposed of. There is a big fine if you are caught releasing these fish.

Cheers and good luck and make sure your post your results. Ted

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