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outfished the hubby

fergies mrs

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As of late,i haven't managed to go for a troll in what seems like forever. :S

So this morning ferg and myself with the two kids at toe decided to go throw some crab pots out and hit the passage for a long awaited session.

I threw on my old faithful grey ghost :kiss: and casted her out,"Bam" as soon as my trusty lure hit the salt i was on :woohoo:

with abit of weight behind her and kids cheering me on,i landed a healthy size lizard around the 50cm plus mark,it had my adrenalin pumping as due to working most weekends this lil monster was my first in a month or so :cheer:

Only minutes later fergie's line started to peel,with a little fight and a few runs he landed himself a flatty not much smaller then mine

with the kids keeping tally "the game was on"

after trolling around for the next 5 minutes or so,i thought i had hooked up to some dreaded dirty weed :angry: ,as i started to reel in the dead weight,my line took off :woohoo: this was no clump of weed,i was on yet again :P

after a couple of minutes of fighting this creature,i managed to net myself a beauty 56cm flatty,after a couple of snapshots and retreiving my grey ghost i farewelled the flatty and let him be on his way :)

after landing a few more lizards through out the day,it was time to call the score

6 to me and 4 to fergie :ta:

oh what a feeling of out fishing the hubby :aussie:

until next time july_fish_off_0021.jpg

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