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Straddie last weekend

dog pound

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Hi guys bit of a late post but better late than never...

Well Alo and myself finally got to north straddie last weekend (friday till monday)

We landed on the island friday morning about 6:30am went straight to amity point and put the boat in, headed out to shag,boat and the close reefs off the top of the island, we got the pretty typical mixed bag on the first day, I landed a nice budgy, Alo got smoked from who knows what?? called it a day and went and checked in to our pad for the weekend of coarse followed by a couple of rums to kickstart the weekend.

Saturday morning, went back to same spot were Alo got smoked i droped first and sucked in to me for saying to him the day before not to drop that fish, cause i got smoked big time this thing was pulling line and i couldnt stop it (Snap) it was gone bloody karma!!!

anyway today was Alo's day Landing a nice AJ, pearl pearch, squire and i got a little moses, still a good feed.Back to camp, more rum and talk about the ones that got away.

Sunday morning the weather is getting better so we get out early to find the fish were hiding, fished solid for 6 hours to come back with a nice little squirey snapper,and couple of things not worth photos, oh well ther is more rum, fresh fish for dinner again

Monday, beautiful weather bait is everywhere, whales, dolphins fish everwhere, looking like a another good day , bit tough again today to land anything worth braging about, untill i get hit buy something massive well the fight is on and im not losing this one, 20minutes later aching back bloody sore arms i finally surface this thing to find i have just caught my first bloody sea turtle it would have been at least 1meter round, well got him in close cut the line as close and as safe as possible and let him swim and me sit down and have a rest, caught a few more squire and headed home for the 2 pm barge.

Bloody good weekend cant wait to do it again.

Hope you enjoy the read and photos.

Dog pound. 099.JPG110.JPGCIMG0640.JPGPicture_103.jpg117.JPGCIMG0639.JPGPicture_114.jpg



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