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To make fishing easier

Bri The Pom

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I just thought i would add a few ideas that make my fishing easier.

Firstly rod holder sleeves,the standard rod holders i find are to big the small rods i use,so i have made sleeves that are 40mm grey electrical conduit cut 410mm long and slotted both ends one to accept the reel and the other to locate the pegs in the rod holder. These need a few winds of tape to stop them pulling out with the rod.

The second is when i cast net i get black shit and shells all over my carpet,so i have a single bed sheet cut to size with strips of velcro to hold in position on the carpet.When i pack the cast net away i emty the sheets over the side a quick wash in the water rinse out a hose and dry when i get home, and no stained carpet and shells and scales in the boat.

If you have the same problems give them a go.


Bri. CIMG0159_AFO.jpgCIMG0162_AFO.jpgCIMG0164_AFO.jpg

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trolling holders that are positiond at about 40-45 degrees is useful as some lures tend to swim sideways when theres a cross current and can get tangled with a second rod. with them sitting out as far away from the boat as possible it also reduces the chance of fouling and gets the lure away from the wash and bubbles of the outboard.


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some effective ideas there bri!

for the cast net problem i have a tub with a grate bottom that is tied to the rail, instead of bringing the net in the boat i put it in the crate thingy, all excess water goes back in the water and fish prawns and debris go in the crate. it have only used cord to attach at the moment put a bracket idea will come. 105_1660_600x800.jpg


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haha i have had the idea for about 4 years as i fish kookaburra park for sharks and the mud and crap drove me wild, so the mesh bottom tub was bought from people in plastic at rocklea , holes drilled and attached with rope. basic but effective, just need bracket idea to make removal easier.

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