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PB as the Pine keeps firing for flatties


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Had a mate call for a quick fish before work yesterday as I had told him the Pine was on for flathead on SPs so we decided to fish "clean" for a change. It was a glorious morning, not a ripple and barely any wind... if you had to be up early on a Sunday, this is were you would be.

We started to drift and flick around 6 and before long my mate was on to fish. Some small flatties and pike started making their way into the boat. I was getting some touches but no takers. He was using small prawn and I was using what has been working for me, 4 inch pumpkin seed grubs. Just on 7 I felt a nice weight and thought "here we go". Previous flatties had been of the lazy variety and were easy to pull in, but this take just took off so I couldn't be sure what it was. Fishing light, I let it take line as it swam circles around the boat. Little by little it calmed down and I got it boat side and it was easily the biggest dusky I have hooked. After some nervous attemps, I carefully lead it into the net and the high fives started. A new PB. smashing by previous best.


With only a couple of hours of fishing left we motored out passed the hornibrook but could only manage some flounder and a small bar tail. We went back to the flats just down from Dohle's were I managed a 42 cm lizard on a sguidgie wriggler. They seem to be taking anything as long as you fish them slow and make sure it's hitting the bottom. I find the faster, more aggressive lift and drop stye isn't working as much in winter. We called it quits soon after. It was a short session but a memorable one.



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Solid fish mate! Well done! I'm finding that EVERYTHING is leaving the more aggressive lift and drop technique, am also having much better results fishing slow. Often I've found they will hit it while it's sitting still on the bottom, seem to be very cautious and/or lazy.



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