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Sunday night jewies

hunter armytage

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I had a couple of hours fishing the mouth last night with some live herring, I dropped anchor about 8pm and managed to land a couple of jewies the largest going around 83cm bigger_jewie_AFO.jpg

I also got another around 74cm and a couple of runs with no hookups.

Unfortunately the first jewie was caught on light gear and although I spent 10mins and a pair of lip grips (now on the bottom of river) trying to revive him he just wouldnt swim the right way up which was dissapointing so he ended up in the esky unfortunatly. The smaller jew was released in a lot healthier fashion and goes on to fight another day.

a bloke next to me in the river also seemed to be having some luck with at least one other legal sized jew.

all in all a fun couple of hours

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