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should I take the tinny to fraser island


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I'd only take the tinny if i was considering fishing the inshore side of fraser - i.e. wathumba. Its a nice spot over there and good fishing - but beware of cigeutera! :X

Probably depends how good you are at launching from the beach for fishing the ocean side.;)



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snapsnap wrote:

any reefies to be had on the calm side?

Theres definatly some reefs on the inshore side (close to hervey bay) and up the tip of fraser - and up towards bundy.

try this: Fishing Hervey Bay


I don't have any secret spots sorry as i'm still trying out these for myself.

Southern gutters are good tho - big big holes! :ohmy:


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Yoodles82 wrote:

I'd only take the tinny if i was considering fishing the inshore side of fraser - i.e. wathumba. Its a nice spot over there and good fishing - but beware of cigeutera! :X

Probably depends how good you are at launching from the beach for fishing the ocean side.;)



cigeutera???? what the hell is that?

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snapsnap wrote:

cigeutera???? what the hell is that?

Others on this site would no more about it, but to quote wiki:

Ciguatera is a foodborne illness caused by eating certain reef fishes whose flesh is contaminated with toxins originally produced by dinoflagellates such as Gambierdiscus toxicus which lives in tropical and subtropical waters.

I've been told that larger fish from the platypus bay/wathumba area of inshore fraser island are prone to cigeutera poison.

I've never had any trouble but i'm just putting it out there :-)


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mate there are certain species like coral trout, barracuda, some pelagics I think, and Chinamen fish (although i think they are no take anyway) I am pretty sure the DPi has a list. Large fish are the worst. It is a accumulated problem so the more reef fish you eat the worst i think. There are people here with more knowledge.

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