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Boat Passage Closure 12 to 14 August


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Got this email from POB yesterday.



Please be advised that the following notice has been issued by the Harbour Master regarding the temporary closure of access through the boat passage under the Captain Bishop Bridge at Fisherman Islands:

Temporary partial closures of the Brisbane Pilotage Area will be in effect on Thursday 12 August 2010 through to Saturday 14 August 2010.

The temporary partial closures of the Brisbane Pilotage Area will affect an area of the Whyte Island Boat Passage 50 metres either side of the Captain Bishop Bridge crossings at the southern end of Fisherman Islands . The western and eastern limits of the closure area will be marked by two signs placed on the foreshore.

Closures are expected to be of 12 hours duration commencing at 6:00pm on Thursday 12 August until 6:00am on Friday 13 August 2010 and resuming at 6:00pm on Friday 13 August until 6:00am on Saturday 14 August 2010.


Rosie Field

Rosie Field | Manager Public Relations | Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd

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