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Fishing Thursday

Bait Waster

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Look for some dropoffs around the pipeline at the mouth of Boggy Creek. Near where the ships tie up.

Where the wharves join the rock wall and then all along the rock wall.

The front of the rock wall.

In Boggy Creek and around the mouth of Boggy Creek.

Near the Yellow X at the Visy Board building (The red brick building just downstream from the Gateway on the southside).

That's a start, but you'll see plenty of fishy looking spots from Colmslie to the mouth.

Good luck. :)

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Thanks people,

think I got my day wrong< I think Wednesday is peoples day at Ekka so that's the fishing day. I suspect a few will will take the opportunity for a fish that day. Any suggestions which would be the best ramp to use (Boggy Creek, Colmslie or Fisherman's Island)? I'm leaning towards Boggy Creek but happy to be guided elsewhere

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