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Success at NPD at last!


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I had a mate come out on the dam with me today, and after a few previous sessions resulting in a few previous doughnuts, we finally got onto a few fish :)

We kicked off at about 1030-1100 and got nothing in the first couple of hours, trolling around and trying shrimp at a few spots. Then we found a drop off where the fish were sitting above in about 4-6m of water. The little school hung around for us, and we pulled 8 good sized Bass up, with a few more getting away. The biggest was 49cm and the smallest was 33cm. All on shrimp. We tried a few lures but they weren't interested.

I'm stoked to finally get some Bass at the dam, I'm learning more all the time so hopefully it's a sign of more success to come. :cheer:

Sorry no photos.


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well done mate! The bass put up an awesome fight! Im headed there tomorrow with Rayke. Have only started getting back into fresh water fishing for the last 2 months after a 13 year break and have since turned away from the salt.

Bass love their prawns, and im sure some lures do alright but i prefer to stick to the lazy fisherman method with bait... drop, sink, sink, sink, smash! fish on!!

Look forward to your next report and hopefully with some pics!~

Well done.



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Ty, no I caught that 49cm Yella in my profile photo 6 or so months ago in Nth Pine River on a hard body, but no doubt he would have come from the dam originally before going over the wall... That was a good day; my second favourite catch behind my one and only Toga :-)

Oh g'day Ted, good to put faces to names :-)


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