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tent problems on fishing trip


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hi everyone had a shocker of a fishing trip arrived at rainbow beach to camp and fish ll was well till it was time to set up the tent opened it up to find the fiberglass poles that come with the tent were not there. After lossing the plot and getting bagged by my family and mates i had to shoot of to gympie to buy another tent. The question i need to ask everyone is did anyone buy a bcf 9 man tent called castle if so could you tell me the measurements of the red,blue.yellow poles so i can have them made up again. The friendly people of bcf could not help me with this problem hope someone can help

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good to see the friendly staff at bcf were a great help AFTER they got your money, thats experience for ya, bet they tried real hard too. get onto the manufacturer. let them know about the friendly staff at bcf too, sure they will be interested to hear how they treat paying customers. their problem is they think they are to big a part of the boating camping and fishing industry, well they might be in for a rude shock. cos they are in most cases dearer than anywhere else, anywhere else is willing ti barter, but not that mob, so cheaper to shop elsewhere and better ranges to.

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