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great conditions forecast with high winds and rain, so i am going to noosa from tonight til wednesday night, the low pressures should fire some interesting action!

fishing the river most of the time with hb's for flatty and trevs, and wednesday westerly so might be able to sneak over the bar for some sp action inclose

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Hey Wes,

Where abouts do you fish in close off Noosa and what species are on offer.

Last week Dave and I hada look at Little Hall Reef. A lot of bait but not much else.

BTW going by the forecast I reckon you have zero chance sneaking out on Wednesday. 3m ENE swell is gonna make the bar a b!tch.

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Jeff if you are on the river head up to the mouth of the 1st lake there are some good holes as deep as 10 metres in the area, almost on the bend as you turn to the lake mouth. I've caught some nice flathead there. then after the lake about 1klm up the river there are some more deep spots

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