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The Pine did shine


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Pine river did shine for me this morning on a overcast, windy and rainy day. Managed over 30 bass most in the 40's and still got home for some fartarta sorry frittata no second thoughts fartarta was right for brekky. All fish on shrimp they would not touch a lure. Look closely at the pics and you will see that several have fin rot.

Fish while you can






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There is still plenty of fish trying to survive all through this area,

Forgot to mention got busted off a couple of times and lost a couple of floats before I woke up that I hadnt used this particular rod for quite awhile, the 14lb fireline had gone rotten it broke like cotton, so I had to pull about 30ft of it off till I got to some stronger stuff. I had to use some lantana stick for a float, well it didnt look good but it worked.

Also slipped back down the slippery bank when I was leaving and had to have a wash before I could get in the car, apart from a scratch I escaped unharmed thank goodness.

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Geoff these looked more like fin rot than abrasions, I use wide gape hooks, they usualy pinn them in the corner of the mouth or the top lip,as can be seen in the pics, very seldom do they swallow the hook, usualy only if you leave your rod unattended. Is there a reason why you asked this question. Or did you mean where do the shrimp get pinned, if so they get pinned through the 3rd segment from the tail.


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Cant see any finrot Denis

The ventrals,anals and lower caudals of some have a bacterial infection of the scrape wounds from going over.

One has the same thing on the rear of the dorsal and afterdorsal.

The 2 pics I reposted have fresh scrapes from poor handling or dragging them up the bank, this will blossom into a very nice bacterial infection in a couple of days. Due to the number of floaters (a great many of which have expired from poor handling,gut hooking,sunbaking on dry concrete for extended periods of time being photographed etc. etc.) the water is alive with bacteria.

The good thing is with the constant flow of water and reasonably warm temp there most likely wont be an outbreak of Columnaris or Saprolegnia as happened last time.

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