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Fishing in Shiping Lanes?

Old Scaley

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Hi All

Went for a quick trip to the mouth on Wednesday, hoping for a few mackeral. Got to the first of the becons and remembered that I didn't have much fuel so decided to have a bit of a fish in that area rather than heading further out. No fish around, but while I was drifting from one beacon to another, a guy who had been anchored at the first beacon came past and called out to me that it was illegal to fish in the shipping channel. May have even been someone from this site, so thanks for your concern if it was.

I know you are not encouraged to operate small vessels in the shipping lanes, but not sure it is illegal? Some of my best catches have been drifting along the drop offs and into the channel out that way. I have checked the MSQ site and can't see anything to say I can't do that. I keep the outboard serviced and always move well before any shipping comes my way and have had the water police go past me while I am fishing in the channel. Any thoughts?

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You can't anchor in a channel but drifting is ok but if a big vessel is coming and it sounds it's horns MOVE or you will get a visit from the water police we did in a mates boat :pinch:

to be honest we were well clear but if that horn goes off bugger off ;)


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