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anybody been trying for bullies and/or getting any


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I went driving around a fair bit over the weekend and every place I checked out looked really bad - Lines would get cleaned up be weeds, wood or even the tide (Everywhere looked really strong) I asked a few people at Bribe Island and they said the tides have been crazy and they seem to think it's because of the floods - Can anyone confirm this?

I was thinking of Rainbow Beach or Tin Can bay or something like that - Anyone checked them out lately?

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Been getting plenty round sanctuary cove lately, always see them smashing bait schools. Must be hundreds in there. Best time seems to be couple hours before high tide when the water is moving fairly quickly late afternoon to dusk.

I've found the best bait to be a whole side of fresh flathead. Any time I use a flatty it gets smashed in half an hour or less, live mullet/ whiting or bream usually sit out there for an hour or more before it gets taken.

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