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Sorry Folks


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Sorry for a few things I've put up this weekend The last thing mods need is to deal with the stirring crap I've been doing.

Looking back I could have spent a little more thought and had a real discussion.

Any way I didn't want to personally offend anyone so I am sorry I did :blush:


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Mate do not beat yourself up about it. Sometimes when you type something it is not taken the same way it was intended or as when you say it and is misunderstood or taken as being harsh. Any things like forums, emails and texts can be misunderstood and the receiver/reader should take some allowance and not get to upset. We are all adult or mainly and we should not take things to heart. It is just a place to state our opinions and we will differ in them.

If we take offense from anything written on AFO or the like forums we need to take a close look at ourselves and wonder why we are getting so upset (normaly something in our lives). The differences in the type of person on AFO is the reason it is such a good community. Would we want to be a part of a community where we all had the same opinions? not me. Anyway Mal much respect for the post mate.

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Mal, can I be your manager? Here's the plan: you admit to some long standing psychiatric condition or substance abuse problem (who hasn't got one of them?), we get Phil Gould to do a teary interview and bob's your uncle. Tomorrow, a moderator on AFO, next week your own fishing show on channel 9!

And I apologise for this post in advance?

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