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Australian Hunters, It's Time To Be Heard


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Taken from the latest SSAA Email newsletter

Hunters are being encouraged to take part in Australia's first ever hunter survey to help give our country's hunting organisations valuable information to use when dealing with government and other groups in hunting-related discussions.

The University of Queensland, with help from the Game Council NSW, has consulted with SSAA National and other hunting organisations to develop the survey.

Hunting is a valuable conservation tool and this survey will provide accurate figures as to how many Australian hunters are helping deal with problem animals in our country.

Hunting is a popular pastime in Australia and our hunters have become a significant political voice, as well as a growing retail market. There are more hunting magazines for sale than ever before and participants at hunting expos now number in the thousands.

Because many forms of hunting in Australia don't require a licence and most states don’t licence hunting, accurate information of hunting across the country is not available. Most OECD countries can put an accurate figure on the number of hunters in their country and how much time and money they spend on their recreational activity; however, there are no figures like this available in Australia.

By completing the Australian Hunter Survey, you will provide valuable information on your hunting activities, the equipment you use and the time you spend in the field, and all your responses will remain anonymous.

To be part of this survey go to


All results from the Australian Hunter Survey will be made freely available online at www.deerresearch.com.au For further information, email j.hoy@uq.edu.au

We encourage you to spread the word among fellow hunters to take part too.

It's your hunting future, so make sure your voice is heard!

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